
Emojis are used heavily in this template to give it a more natural feel. But all emojis are customizable. ๐ŸŽจ

Stat ๐Ÿ

Whatever states are defined will determine what emojis are a valid for documentstatus frontmatter attribute.

Data ๐Ÿ

Emoji data is responsible for most emoji rendering throughout the site, especially for buttons and informative icons.

The default emoji data file looks like so:

# _data/emoji.yml

# the following are emoji buttons
#  -- there needs to be something here for buttons to work
# cookie-consent
approve:     ๐Ÿ‘ 
consider:    ๐Ÿง
disapprove:  ๐Ÿ‘Ž
# nav-bar
colors:      ๐ŸŒˆ
## graph
net-web:     ๐Ÿ•ธ
tree:        ๐ŸŒณ
## site-nav
delete:      ๐Ÿงน
graph:       ๐Ÿชด
search:      ๐Ÿ”
site_nav:    ๐Ÿงญ 
visited:     ๐Ÿฅพ
## pages
about:       ๐Ÿชง
archive:     โ›ฒ๏ธ
home:        ๐Ÿ•
pages:       ๐Ÿ—บ
privacy:     ๐Ÿ›–
recent:      ๐ŸŒฆ
stat_tags:   ๐Ÿ”–
# entry-only
breadcrumbs: ๐Ÿ›ค
links:       ๐Ÿš
tags:        ๐Ÿงบ
# the following are informational emojis
#  -- these are safe to set to "" (empty strings)
# social
connect:     ๐ŸŒŠ
share:       ๐Ÿ
# changes
created:     ๐ŸŒฉ
published:   ๐ŸŒค
updated:     ๐ŸŒง
deleted:     ๐ŸŒจ
# 404
missing:     ๐Ÿ‚