Setup: Reference The Template

If you just want to add some of the features of this template to your pre-existing site and aren’t so concerned with specific configurations, you’re in the right place. I’m going to assume you don’t really need help setting up the underlying technologies to run a jekyll project, as you probably have your own already.

If you do need a refresher on the basics, check out the starter setup. If you are interested in the configuration specifics, you can check out the tinkerer setup.

Plugins 🐝

If you’re starting from your own project or just want to add mechanics similar to jekyll-bonsai’s, the main thing to be aware of is that there are three plugins this template relies on heavily besides jekyll itself:

  • jekyll-wikilinks
    • Parses [[wikilinks]] across the site and renders them in-place as html a tags while adding link metadata to the linked documents.
  • jekyll-namespaces
    • Processes dot . deliminated filenames and provides access to underlying tree metadata.
  • jekyll-graph

(Jekyll) Document Types 🐝

There are several document types in this template, but there are two in particular that do most of the heavy-lifting:

  • entry: Is an inter-linking-heavy document type.
  • state: Provides the possible status states for all documents.

Data 🐝

  • Multiple themes are available and are implemented similarly to this color theme switcher.
  • Emojis not generated from states.

Includes 🐝

Several includes are imported and/or derived from other sources:

References 🐝

Other projects I would recommend to reference alongside this one: